Thursday, September 6, 2007

Oh, I'm never speaking up again

I feel like I don't even know who reads this thing. But I hope you all enjoy it. In hopes of something more lighthearted, I feel like this could give me the chance to get to know some of my readers.

I have decided to give 5 random facts about me and then a story that has affected the way I view the world. Obviously, this blog is a collection of stories and questions, but the goal is to lead by example and give everyone who reads this a chance to respond. And hopefully, form stronger relationships with my readers through that and hopefully get invited to lunch.

Here are my facts:

1. When I was in middle school I replaced TRL in my afternoon TV lineup with Oprah.

2. I have a secret love for interior design

3. Reese Witherspoon's accent in Walk the Line makes me love her.

4. I want to live in Charleston, SC

5. My first two CDs were Matchbox 20's "Yourself or Someone Like You" and Aerosmith's "Nine Lives." I still listen to both.

Now to the story. I don't know how to approach this. I'm trying to think of a good story to tell. But it's late. Hmm...

The first time I ever heard God speak through my mouth was something I'll never forget. I remember sitting on a hill with someone I miss dearly (who has never been mentioned in this blog) and just talking and not having any idea what I was actually saying until much later. And feeling the satisfaction of knowing that God really does care about me and uses me when I'm open to it. That relates to me right now because it's the point I'm trying to return to. I don't feel all that close to God right now and I'm doing anything I can to get back to where I want to be. That night keeps me hanging on. Maybe sitting in the grass is exactly what I need....

And I can't wait to read your 5 random facts and your story.

"I need you here with me
Cause love is all we need
Just take a hold of the hand that breaks the fall

Well I know what I've been told
Gotta break free to break the mold
But I can't do this all on my own
No I can't do this all on my own
I know that I'm no Superman
I'm no Superman"
-Lazlo Bane


Unknown said...

Ohh! Five facts about little ol me? Well alrights.

1. I am in love with anything and all things that consist of Switchfoot. Concerts, websites, clothing, pictures, meetings, graphics etc. You get the idea.

2. The best day of the week is Sunday. I wake up at 5 am, get to church at 6. Set up until 8am. Listen to God speak thru Furtick. Then go play with kids and do video/sound for the preschoolers. Sounds tedious but I just can't explain how it makes me feel. That leads me to number three!

3. I have fallen in love with these people. These people are this church. This church is on fire for God. I want everything to do with it. It brought me out of my agnostic view and showed me the amazing power that a group of people can have on a city. I am so excited about the future.

4. I love art. Graphic design, stencils, photography, mosaics, acrylic, oil, watercolor, ceramics, tattoos etc.
I want to be passionate about it but I feel like I'm not these past few years. Probably due to my divorce. I feel like I should have channeled my pain and anger into art. Maybe I can still try, if I think about it.

5. Wow, I dont know what else to say. Switchfoot, Elevation Church, and Art seem to be my life.
Lastly I guess I could talk about how scared I am of having a relationship with someone again.
I feel like anyone I even consider dating is just going to end up leaving me for one reason or another. They may cheat on me. Just feels like everything is going to end and I shouldn't waste my time.
I try to build strong friendships with people. I like that. I have lots of amazing friends, thanks you all to God for giving them to me :)

Justin said...
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Justin said...

the above delete was me not chris!

What a fun game! Actually Chris, a really really good idea....we should do this with the group!

I'm working on much life.. don't know where to start!!! i'll get back to you!

nice usage of JM btw... now i'm off to play a quick game of chess with the salt and pepper shakers!
