Saturday, December 15, 2007

By the time I recognize this moment, this moment will be gone...

I've been thinking a lot about Overthinking.... (Thanks for dedicating that to me Justin)

I couldn't use that song on my blog though because Justin already has it on his, so I chose another one. I asked myself what it means to "overthink." What am I overthinking about and what am I looking for?

I found that I'm searching for "Clarity"

I'm always thinking about anything and everything. All this thinking can drag me down too. For a long time I could only think about my past relationship and how hurt I was by all that happened. Then it moved to my feelings of abandonment by my old Church (something that hasn't totally left me yet). Now I mostly think about my dreams and aspirations that are directed toward fixing the Church (pretty lofty goal huh?). I think it's because I can't help but ask why these things have happened. I need to know how to handle this type of stuff. Unfortunately, this causes my brain to be filled to the max most of the time and I have to calm down before I can do anything at all.

It's seems like it's been easier to keep a clear head since I finished the semester. Here's to whatever it is I'm searching for.

"I worry
I weigh three times my body
I worry
I throw my fear around
But this morning
There's a calm I can't explain
The rock candy's melted, only diamonds now remain"
-John Mayer

1 comment:

Justin said...

Hey, you get to use john mayer...that's a good thing!nice choice of songs and play on words!

i know how you feel my friend, I've been accused of over-thinking myself.
your thought echo my same thoughts. I often ask myself how did we (the Christian Church) get itself in this mess? Why doesn't anyone (excluding a small group of people) see the problem and want to change it? Do they really not care about people anymore? Did they ever? What can I do to be part of the solution? Is the problem to big for just me? What is the BEST course of action? What is the most loving thing to do? where do we go from here? what's next? What if we're all just wrong?......etc...

so yeah.. i raise my glass with you buddy. Here's to "Clarity" in whatever!