Wednesday, July 16, 2008

My American Church

I am troubled. I try not to be critical of the people who are members of the church that I work for. I really do enjoy working at the church. I like the people there and the atmosphere of the community. I like working with the youth group and the kids in it.

However, there have been two things that have made me sad. Not because these things only happen in this church but that they happen at all. These are common things in the American church. Most of us don't even realize it until it is pointed out.

The first of which is a music video for a song by Carman. Now, I will admit that other than this song I am completely unfamiliar with the man's music. However, this video have definitely turned me off. In the song/video he claims that 20+ Biblical laws are mentioned by the writers of the Declaration of Independence. Interestingly enough, there is no mention of the Bible, Christianity, or Jesus Christ in the Declaration. Not to mention the fact that the only people who have rights in their minds were people who could own land or (for the most part) white men.

My biggest problem with the video is that it is filled with hate. Hate for people who are not like the American, Caucasian, Christian population. That video should be nowhere near Christianity or the Church.

My other issue is that at the beginning of Vacation Bible School we have pledges. First we do the pledge to the American flag, then the Christian flag, then the Bible. My problem is not with the pledges themselves but rather the order. It's completely backwards. Is our allegiance first to America or to our faith?

I don't feel like I can pledge to the American flag before either of the others.

"My first allegiance is not to a flag, a country or a man.
No, my first allegiance is not to democracy or blood.
It's to a King and a kingdom."
-Derek Webb


Justin said...

you should put the Carman video up... it's been a while:)

Welcome to American Christianity in the South...To many churches those 3 words HAVE to go together in order for it to be "Christian" or "Church".

you should be commended though, perhaps some education on why this might be an issue. Get them thinking through your relationships about what they are actually doing. Plant some seeds and see what happens. As much as I rag on Church, I'm not ready to give up on people just yet... perhaps there we both will find hope??? And hope is what the Church needs in this moment... hope is what it is crying out for... hope (i think to myself sometimes) is truly all it has left?!

perhaps it is up to you to be the embodiment of hope in that place.I know, doesn't sound like me, but perspectives are changing:) see u tom.


Lawrence said...

I agree... good post.