Thursday, March 1, 2007

"And with your final heartbeat, kiss the world goodbye...

...then go in peace and laugh on glory's side"

I was talking with a friend the other day and I made a comment about how excited I was to find find the woman I wish to spend the rest of my life with. I haven't found her yet, but the idea that I have the potential to do so. To know that she's out there is such an amazing thought. I've always wondered if she already knows that she wants to marry me, but just hasn't told me yet. Like she's waiting for me to say something about how excited I am. I hardly believe thats true though. But, if you're reading this, I'm excited to meet you.

But that's definitely not the point of this post by any means.

The whole idea for this post resolves around the conversation we had and what was said. My friend said he had heard a speaker say once that we spend too much time looking toward the future that we don't realize how good we are doing at the time. At first, it was a good point. I mean, I'm doing better than I was so I don't really need to think about how happy I'll be with my wife. I should concentrate on the present. But the more I think about it, the more I think we have to concentrate on the future. We have to strive for something. And how can I not look to the future when I know that heaven is waiting for me. I mean, I'm not trying to speed up the process by any means, but I know that it's waiting for me. Sometimes, it seems like I should do something to get there. I mean, how amazing would it be to finally be permanently okay. We can't achieve that by ourselves. Pain will be gone one day. Finally, it will be gone.

"No more war,
there won't be anymore hunger,
no jealousy,
not even competition."

It's an interesting thought really. There will be peace one day.

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